Part 2 - create Capture file

Step 1. Highlight the 'WDS - Windows XP/Vista Deployment' image name in the right pane of the WDS gui (this is the image you just created in Part 1 above).

Step 2. Right-click on it, and choose Create Capture Boot Image

Step 3. In the next Windows (capture image metadata) leave the Image Name and Image Descriptions alone, and click on the Browse button.

Step 4. Browse to the RemoteInstall\Boot\X86\Images folder (or X64 if using X64), this folder is part of the original WDS setup.

Step 5. Give the filename you are about to create a name eg: RemoteInstall\Boot\X86\Images\windows-noob_capture and click open, then click next, the wizard will auto append .WIM to the filename.

Step 6. The wizard will now start to extract the image from the source image file.

Once it is complete, click Finish.

Part 2a - add Capture file to WDS

Step 1. In WDS, select Boot Images in the left pane.

Step 2. in the Right Pane (in an empty area) right-click and choose Add Boot Image

Step 3. In the add image file window, browse to RemoteInstall\Boot\X86\Images and select the capture file you created above, click open and then next.

Step 4. set the Image name to 'Windows Vista/XP WDS capture' and the Image description to 'WDS to capture images from ***', click next.

Step 5. Review the choices and click next to add this capture boot image.

once done WDS will look like this

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