add boot.wim to WDS

Step 1. Get your Windows Vista DVD ready.

Step 2. Insert the DVD and start WDS (windows deployment services) gui.

Step 3. In the Left Pane of WDS, select boot images

Step 4. In the Right Pane, right click the mouse and choose 'Add Boot Image'.

Step 5. In the Add Image Wizard, click the Browse button and browse to the Sources folder on your Vista DVD that you inserted in Step 2.

Step 6. Highlight the file called boot.wim and click Open, once done Click Next

Step 7. In the next window, change the Image name from "Microsoft Windows Longhorn Setup (x86)" to 'WDS - Windows XP/Vista Deployment'

Step 8. Change the image description to 'WDS to capture/deploy images from ***'

Step 9. Click next to review the settings, and next again to proceed.

Step 10. After the file copying is complete click on Finish.

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