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موضوع: firewall rules

  1. #1
    نام حقيقي: سید محمد حسینی

    عضو غیر فعال
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2004
    محل سکونت
    سپاسگزاری شده
    سپاسگزاری کرده

    firewall rules

    من از kerio6 براي firewall استفاده مي كنم.
    براي يك isp كه از خط مخابرات و سرويس recive استفاده مي كنه. اين firewall در كجا بايد قرار بگيره كه بهترين پاسخگويي رو داشته باشه.

    من يك web server و ras server و cache server و system dvb دارم كه فعلا روي همه سيستمها بصورت مجزا از kerio استفاده مي كنم.
    براي استفاده از kerio در isp آيا rule خاصي پيشنهاد مي كنيد؟
    ممنون و متشكر
    موفق باشيد.

    موضوعات مشابه:

  2. #2

    عضو غیر فعال شناسه تصویری NetMaster
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2004
    سپاسگزاری شده
    سپاسگزاری کرده
    Kerio is a Personal Firewall, what you need is a real firewall since you have those servers

    You need to setup a DMZ and get your servers behind that Firewall in the DMZ zone

    And then you need your firewall to manage traffic completly not partly

    As far as i see now your servers are exposed to the internet and easy to be attacked

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    نام حقيقي: امير عرب بيگي

    عضو عادی شناسه تصویری a_arabbeigi
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2004
    محل سکونت
    سپاسگزاری شده
    سپاسگزاری کرده
    علماي عزيز ميشه يكم بيشتر راجع به اين DMZ توضيح بديد؟
    ممنون مي شم اگه يه توضيح كامل در موردش و يا راه اندازي اون و خواص اون بدين.

  4. #4

    عضو غیر فعال شناسه تصویری NetMaster
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jun 2004
    سپاسگزاری شده
    سپاسگزاری کرده
    A DMZ - De-Militarised Zone, is a separate part of an organisation's network which is shielded and 'cut off ' from the main corporate network and its systems. The DMZ contains technical equipment to prevent access from external parties (say on the Internet) from gaining access to your main systems.

    The term comes from the buffer zone that was set up between North Korea and South Korea following their war in the early 1950s. A DMZ is not a single security component; it signifies a capability. Within the DMZ will be found firewalls, choke and access routers, front-end and back-end servers. Essentially, the DMZ provides multi-layer filtering and screening to completely block off access to the corporate network and data. And, even where a legitimate and authorised external query requests corporate data, no direct connection will be permitted from the external client, only a back-end server will issue the request (which may require additional authentication) from the internal corporate network.

    However, the extent to which you permit corporate data to be accessible from and by external sources will depend upon the value of the Business Assets which could be placed at (additional) risk by allowing access to (even) pre-specified data types.

    You need a firewall with 3 network cards,

    eth0 > Green ( Local Lan)

    eth1 > Orange ( DMZ - Servers zone )

    eth2 > Red ( WAN - Internet )

    You need to drop all direct from red and orange, and masqurate connections on policy based from red to

    orange, and allow whatever you need from green.

    Good Luck

کلمات کلیدی در جستجوها:

drop چيست


firewall rules

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