    Download Nessus from link

    Redhat & Fedora Des :
# wget http://downloads.nessus.org/nessus3dl.php?file=Nessus-5.0.1-fc16.i686.rpm
# rpm -ivh Nessus-5.0.1-fc16.i686.rpm

    Debian & Ubuntu Des :
# wget http://downloads.nessus.org/nessus3dl.php?file=Nessus-5.0.1-debian6_i386.deb
# dpkg --install Nessus-5.0.1-debian6_i386.deb

    After installation its time to add the user on the same terminal type
# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-adduser

    Than enter your login name and password for root user. 
    Now click here to go on nessus website and register your product for home feed means free of cost ( http://www.nessus.org/register ).
    After registration open your email and copy the activation code and type in terminal.
# /opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --register "your code"

    Without commas
    Its time to start nessus on terminal type
# /etc/init.d/nessusd start

    Now open your browser and open

    You will get your nessus enter your login name and password that you enter while installation.

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